Sierra Enjoys Stroking and Tormenting your Dick
10 years agoSierra Enjoys Stroking and Tormenting your Dick
10 years ago
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Mean Handjobs
Sierra loves making guys do dirty things and tormenting them until they can't handle anymore. This time around, she wants to mess with you. She has your dick grasped tightly in your hand. There's no way you're getting away from her. She wants to make you blow a huge load of hot cum. Of course, there's a catch. She will be squeezing and hitting your balls as she strokes your shaft. Do you think you can handle that? She enjoys teasing you as she pulls on your sack unexpectedly. Oh, and when you do cum, you'll be swallowing every drop of it. She's going to allow you to drop your spunk on her leggings to lick it all up. We can feel how excited you are. You're welcome!
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